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Friendships and Lessons

There are many kinds of friends that come in and out of a person’s life. It’s how you view the friendships that count. There are lessons to be learned from good and bad friendships. These lessons will lead you through the rest of your life and help you with new friendships and new adventures in your life. You can have many friends at once, several through the years or one good one that sticks at your side for several years. There are casual friends, fleeting friends, bad friends and forever friends. Each friendship has an importance in your life, even if you don’t know it.

​I think most of us have been through various types of friendships and may have more than one kind. We’ll start with the worse kind of friendships, the bad ones. I’m sure we have all been hurt by a friend at one time or another. Some of us have been hurt more than once. These are the bad friends. They cause a lot of heart ache when they arrive in your life. You may even lose your trust of others and close yourself off, due to these types of friends. If you take a look at the bad ones, you may see you grew from the experience and learned a lesson. You may have learned to speak up, you may have learned what you want in a good friendship, you may have learned to be more careful of what kind of friends you pick, and you may have learned to be less naive and so on. Whatever it is you got from the friendship,it is a lesson you can use to help you move on and grow.

​Then there are fleeting friends. These are the ones who come in your life for only a short period, but these friends can make a big impact. Within such little time you can make memories that will last a life time, you can share bad moments and learn many lessons. These friendships may end abruptly and could last a couple years before fading away. Fleeting ones have a purpose in your life: they give you a lot in little time. They teach you how to let go, they strengthen your heart, they give you memories to hold on to and they give you comfort when you needed it most. They may come around right at the time you need them and are gone when you’re strong enough to stand on your own.

​Next are casual friends. These friends’ are people you talk to in a social setting. Like during work, at the gym, at the coffee shop and so on. Sometimes you see these friends every day and other times you see them in passing. You talk to them, share with them, laugh with them, but never see them outside of a social setting. You may share a common topic like school or work. These types of friends can be supportive when you just need a shoulder to lean on. You can talk to them about work, your home life and your hardships. These friends can be fun friends to make things like work, school, gym or sitting alone at your favorite coffee shop more exciting. Casual friends can also teach you lessons. Lessons that can better your performance at school or work, that help you speak up, that help you see the true side of others and so on.

​Finally there are forever friends. These friendships can be rare. Sometimes you think you have a forever friend and then suddenly you lose contact or grow apart. Those forever friends are very special. They stick at your side through hardships, despite miles apart, through changes in each other’s lives, through disagreements and much more. Forever friends last over many years and nothing can tear the bond a part. They become like family. You share everything with him or her, your deepest secrets, your heart aches, your dreams, your joys, your laughter and so much more. You learn and grow together. You teach each other lessons and you cherish the bond that binds you together.

​No matter what kind of friend that comes into your life, fleeting, bad, casual and forever, you learn something from them and they come into your life for a reason. Even bad friendships have a purpose. Some of my bad friendships led me to something better and stronger. Bad things usually leads to something good even if the good is just a lesson learned. Cherish all types of friendships. Learn from them and let them lead you into a brighter and better future. Don’t let the loss of a friend shatter your heart and close doors to other ones. Let all friendships open your eyes, teach you, strength you and lead you on into the future.

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