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No one is stupid

Many of us have taken tests to measure our intelligence. Some have high levels and some have low. Some may consider people with low intelligence as stupid, but no one is stupid. No matter how we rate, we all have knowledge. How could anyone be stupid if they know something? Everyone knows facts of some sort. People just have wisdom about different things like sports, writing, electronics, T.V. Shows, computer, random facts and so on. Human beings brains are capable of holding all kinds of information no matter how high of a level of intelligence he or she has. The mind is an amazing instrument.

A man who retired from the store I work at knows all about wrestling and football. He has Down syndrome, but in no way is he stupid. He’s very smart in his own way. He can tell you all you want to know about wrestlers and the sport of wrestling. He watches it regularly and remembers all kinds of stuff about it and when it comes to football he is the same way. Despite his disability, he is very intelligent. He might need a little extra help with things, but his mind is always obtaining information about his favorite sports.

Another man I work with has some learning difficulties, but watches the news avidly. He is constantly stating facts that he heard on the television. He knows what’s happening in our world and city. I’m lucky to remember the bare essentials. I know enough to know that times are rough, but I’m lucky to remember much more. He often surprises me with all the facts that are swimming around inside his mind. He often says, “Hey Aimee, did you hear on the news about (He states a fact).” I reply, “No, I must have missed that.” Than he goes on to tell me all about it. Many might not consider him the brightest person, but I do. I think he’s pretty smart.

Many have considered me stupid because I have a learning disability, but I worked hard to prove them wrong. I studied hard and gathered books on writing. I wanted to know all there was to know about writing. I learned a lot and I continue to learn. While I talk about writing to my husband he teaches me all about sports and the Steelers. He knows almost everything a person could know about the Steelers. My husband also knows all about professional cleaning and I know about running a cash register. Even though we are full of different facts I consider him just as smart as I am.

No test can measure your true level of intelligence. Intelligence doesn’t just come from a book or high levels of education. You don’t have to be an A student, rank the highest in your class, or have a high paying job to be smart. There is no such thing as a stupid person. We all are full of knowledge. Even the simplest facts are bits of knowledge. It doesn’t matter what we know about or how much we know. What is important is everyone has knowledge so we are all intellectual in one form or another.

Who cares how you measure on the intellectual scale. That means nothing. Just having any form of knowledge makes you smart. We all are intelligent human beings.

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